I got up earlier today so that I can get a handle on some more of the paperwork for this Dossier. I felt like I moved forward today, but still see lots more. David and I took an extended lunch time to tackle about a dozen more documents...
There are even directions for the directions for the Dossier. If you don't cross a T or dot an I, it can be kicked back. No kick backs here!!!!! We want smooooOOOOOOth processing!
Not saving any trees here.....
See, there is so much paperwork, Sadie has to help me hold it all down with her little paws!
And this is how I keep it all organized and easy to get to. The only people who know how much paperwork and notarizing and certifying and sticky notes is involved are the adoption agencies and the adopting families.
Holy cow! That is a lot of paper. I guess it could be one factor to weed out the ones who aren't truly serious. I love the cute flowers and the girls at the top!
Hi Sharon,
Yes, I know! I was thinking how funny it is that we have to do ALL of this, and what WE get about the child is practically just a picture and maybe some background. A little unbalanced I would say, but there are reasons.
Glad you noticed my new addition of the flowers and girls! Isn't that cute?
Lisa ;)
paperwork for DAYS...I feel ya! I'm up to my eyeballs in Dossier paperwork. Getting close but not quite there yet.
Yes, you can relate can't you. That's great that you have your home study done. Big step. What age girl are you looking for?
Wow, the amount of paperwork is incredible! Glad you have your cat to help :) I just started fostering papers (have to foster the kid 3 years before you can adopt them) here in Uganda - all 6 of them, and 3 are triplicates! I started to whine about some of the signitures that I had to get, but then remembered the pics of your paperwork and quit!
I think the Uganda Gov doesn't quite require enough checks and paperwork but it looks as if the U.S Gov goes a bit overboard. What we need is a happy medium!
Hi Grace,
How amazing that you are all the way in Uganda, and going through a similar journey and we can connect like this. You gotta love these blogs! I can't believe you are adopting 6 children at the same time? And I also can't believe you have to foster them for 3 years before adopting them. Why in the world is it that long? Are you a native to Uganda? Tell us more...
Lisa ;)
Oh no! ONE kid and only 6 pieces of paper to fill out!! 6 kids would put me in a mental institution I think...
Three of the papers are of the exact same thing and one paper the probation officer fills in on the inspection of your home (3 questions - # of rooms in your house, if you have a toilet and what type,and your water supply).
No one quite knows the logic in the 3 year fostering before you can adopt. Rumour has it (but it's been around for a while)that they are working to change this law to cut the fostering time down. It would be nice.
I'm an American (from MT) living in Uganda. Yes, blogs are awesome! It's been so nice to connect with other adopting families, especially those that are adopting "older" children. My blog is http://www.xanga.com/graceinuganda
Grace H.,
Okay...my bad! I thought that was really interesting if it was true. Thanks for answering my questions. I quickly looked at your blog and it looks like a lot of fun to read. I love all the pictures. The 6 pages that you have to fill out (or rather 3) is just hilarious. I can't believe the cost of your adoption too. Amazing. What a difference!!
Let's keep in touch.
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