Friday, December 28, 2007

Why Ethiopia? Another Reason...

While doing some of my regular research, I often come across rather harsh realities as to what is really going on in the lives of these children and women. It takes your breath away when you find out what is happening to these little tiny children day in and day out. I've read numerous articles on these problems and thought I would post one here. Read the second article... read this. I'd love to hear your comments after you read this. Y'all are so shy about commenting...let's talk!

As I read this, I picture a child in my mind, any child, and wonder how this could be happening. Imagine YOUR 2 year old walking a mile or so carrying jugs of water to and from daily. What would that do to their growing bones? To their childhood, what childhood? Imagine your little girl in the 6th grade giving birth and watching her die in front of you cause her little body is too immature to push a baby through. This is as common as your little 2 year old falling down every day. This is not just in a tiny part of Africa or part of Ethiopia. It is prevalent and it is hard to swallow. why Ethiopia. Just one of our reasons. But a good one.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that story was heartbreaking. Paul and I also support a ministry in the D.R. Congo that provides medical care for the women, regardless of age, (four to eighty-four)that have been raped and mutilated by rebels and soldiers and have developed fistulas and suffer great shame. It is just unthinkable that young girls (or any woman)should have to experience anything like that. The organization is called Light of Africa Network and Paul & I have met Esther & Camille Ntoto when they were out here speaking about their program. They are amazing!
The D.R. is pretty dangerous right now but maybe you can stop over there when you pick up your cuties :-)

Lisa said...

You are so involved in some incredible things in Africa. Wow! Yes, it is all unthinkable. I will look into the Light of Africa Network. Thanks for that.
In amazement...