Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'm A Little (Lot) Excited

I must say, since this is a "journey" and those of you who have blogs and those who don't that just like to follow the journey, I don't think it's the best journey if we don't share everything along the way. And, I can't stand not saying anything...

I hesitate to post that we might have one of our girls! We were referred a child on Friday morning and are waiting for medical on her, but she could very well be our daughter. This is thrilling news for us and want to confirm this as soon as we have more info on her. I know there are so many prayers going on out there for us and I know that God hears them all. I feel a bit tentative about getting too excited because we are still waiting to accept the referral. Can I tell you how many times I've looked at her picture and studied her face? Too many! Can't count.


Leah Reeves said...

How exciting, I can not wait to hear more.......I hope you get the medical soon. I am already wondering how old she may be. I am sure she is a cutie.

Mitchell Mischief said...

From what you have written I imagine you like a horse chomping at the bit to share this blessing. No, I'm not calling you a horse, but picture your body shaking with excitement ready to yell out the good news. Please post as soon as you know. Our continued prayers go your way! Love ya
PS thanks for the birthday card!

Lisa said...

Yes Sharon...I am chomping at the bit.

Question: If you look at a picture more than a hundred times, will it come to life?

You're welcome...hope you had a great birthday. Miss you.

Amber said...

Oh my gosh, Lisa that is so exciting. I wish I could see her sweet face too. I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!

Heidi Mehltretter said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I was excited to hear that you are from Colorado. My friend Emily helped start an adoption group there and I believe there are many families with Ethiopian kids in Denver. I'm thrilled for you and I know how hard the wait is - especially now that you have that precious photo!

~Laura~ said...

How exciting! I need to know more ASAP! :)

LISA said...

Oh Lisa!!! How exciting!!Ahhhh, I'm so happy for you!!Do you accept this referral and wait for your other daughter?

Lisa said...

Yes, we would first accept the referral, foster her until we are matched with our second. We would absolutely wait to travel to get both of our girls at the same time. My prayer, however, is that any moment I can get my second referral (I'm an optimist)and move my process along quickly. You adoptive Moms will know what I'm talking about when I say I'm a bit obsessed at the moment with this being in limbo thing. I don't like it, but I also know that it is time that I should be preparing my heart and the boys for what is about to happen. It's really hard though. I just keep moving...waiting for THAT call. I dream it, I think it, I read about it, I talk about it. And when I'm all done with those, I start back at the first one.

Debbie said...

Oh this is exciting!!!! Keep us posted!! How old is she???


Lisa said...

She's "about" 2 1/2. could be 3.

Debbie said...

That is a great age!!! I hope you get your 2nd referral soon!!

We are wanting one about 3 1/2 to 4and hope its soon!!!!

Keep us posted!!

Lisa said...

Yes, Debbie,
I hope we get the 2nd real soon too. If all goes like it's been, we could be home with our girls by late June or July. But I'm prepared for absolutely anything because I know that absolutely anyting CAN happen and HAS happened to other people. I know who is in control here...and it's not me or the embassy!!

LISA said...

Oh my gosh Lisa, I hope you get the other referral really,really soon!!Surely your agency will be working really hard,to get your second daughter quickly!

Leah Reeves said...

Thanks Lisa. We really need everything to go well tomorrow. Four court dates will more then I can take.
I can't wait to hear more about you little girl.

Tymm said...

Hey - first off - congratulations!! I know the excitement you guys must be feeling!

And secondly - thanks so much for the really kind words in your comment on our website. Yes, we are indeed doing two adoptions - one from China and one from Ethiopia. We prayed about how to handle the wait for China (we've been logged in a year) and God sent us to Ethiopia.

He has just busted our hearts wide open for that country - I am sure you understand.

Anyways - thank you so much and good luck with your journey - we'll be watching!

God bless you guys...

Tymm & Laura

Carrie said...

I saw your video on youtube and now your blog. Thanks for sharing your journey. My husband and I want to adopt from Ethiopia after our second child, which we are currently trying for. We pray to get a child that is deaf or hard of hearing. The deaf culture has been a huge passion of ours, along with Africa. I enjoy hearing your stories. I know waiting is hard!

Lisa said...

Wow! What a gift you guys have. I am so glad I am enlarging my family. I'd always wanted more than 2, but never thought I could after complications. Wish I would have thought of adopting many years ago. All the best with YOUR growing family. Just keep in mind that the paperwork takes about 4 to 5 months and then a referral can be anywhere from immediate (for special needs) or average 3 months. I never thought asking for 2 toddler girls would take this long. But you can't start early because dates on everything have to be within a certain period. Think of it like the length and patience and stress as a pregnancy. But of course all worth it. Let's keep in touch. Your blog is adorable and your 1 year old is so cute.
Lisa :)