Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm Coming To L.A. area ...

Leaving today for Los Angeles. Bringing Brandon who will do E-school with his laptop and Tigist who will probably distract him from doing school.

I'm staying with my friend in Huntington Beach, Shere', who adopted a beautiful baby girl from Vietnam. Her son does school on the internet as well, so that'll work out great. We'll probably hop around from place to place, but I really want to see my friend of 35 years who is trying to get better right now in the hosptital. She's been fighting pancreatic cancer now for over 10 years and it's really giving her a hard time right now ... she'll hate it that I'm coming, but I just want to see her and have her meet my new daughter too. Sorry Debbie ... I'm coming anyway. Can't stop me now!

I haven't told anybody I'm coming yet, but I'll have time at the airport and when I arrive.

Bye for now... will post pics and I can't wait for Tigist's family to meet her.


michelle said...

Lisa, have a terrific trip! I look forward to seeing pictures of Miss T in sunny L.A.!
Michelle O

Amber said...

Be safe. Have a great trip!

Terry Gallina said...

Lisa I'll continue to pray for our friend. Good luck, pal, and may God keep you safe.

Kara said...

Hi Lisa,
I found your post on the Circle of Moms Ethiopian adoption page on facebook. I noticed you are from Denver. I'm from Southern Wyoming- we are neighbors! I have a couple questions for you regarding your adoption- my husband and I are thinking about possibly starting the process. If you could email me I would sure appreciate it- my email address is


christen said...

My husband and I were lucky to hear you at the IAN training. We hope to travel soon for our 8 year old daughter.

We are torn over shots and traveling with our 2 year old. What shots did you get? and do you recommend traveling with a toddler to Ethiopia? She has been on long international trips. I'm just worried about her health

Lisa said...

Thanks for your email. Regarding shots, all I did was follow the advice of my pediatrician who was knowledgeable in this area. Some he said don't worry about, some he said to do. I just did that.

Regarding taking your toddler, I don't know what the personality or habits are of your 2 yr. old, but if they are typical, this is a big and busy and important trip for you and your husband. Not knowing your circumstances, I would only venture to say I would not want to take my 2 yr. old as I would want to focus mainly on picking up my new and confused and scared child. An 8 yr. old has got to need so much personal attention that your 2 yr. old may be a big time stealer from you if you are needed by your new child. If you have somewhere for your toddler to go, I would really try to do that. Our children are fine in the hands of others ... to me, this is such an important trip not to be distracted by anything.

Let me know if you want to have a phone conversation. We can talk more about this if you like.

All the best, this is exciting.
