Saturday, February 9, 2008

Second "Adoption Class" Completed!

Our second 5 hour adoption class was today. The topics I thought were really great and useful to us with not only our forthcoming adopted girls, but with our existing boys. Really the classes are half parenting and half adopting a different culture and just plain adoption related topics. Really great though, I thought. I'm always interested in learning better ways to do things that you do on a daily basis!!

We were happy to see our new friends Lory and Dave and also Justin who we found are all at the same stage with the same agency. We got a kick out of thinking how in a years time, we will be meeting up with 4 Ethiopian children in tow. Hard to imagine right now since we feel like it is so far off in the future. We are all 3 waiting for our could be next week or next month. We have no idea. But it'll be good when it does happen. We sit each day on pins and needles wondering when our children will be "found" and what will they be like? What are their personalities? Will they adjust well? So many unanswered questions...all to be answered with a simple call from our agency. Who will get the call first? Wow! So exciting.


foreverisamoment said...

Love your blog, we are just beginning in this journey as a family, although it started in my heart as a young woman. We are early in the process, yet to have our homestudy or complete our dossier, but fully, truly in our hearts bursting with love, gratitude, empathy and excitement, for who we all are today and who will all evolve into in days/weeks/years to come. Thanks so much for your eloquence and your honesty. Look forward to reading more and creating our own blog one of these days :)

Lisa said...

Dear Sara,
What a lovely comment you left. How wonderful that you are starting this journey too. I think you'll find that the time involved with the processing is a good enough amount of time to process things in your own life too. There are so many dynamics involved with this amazing adoption journey, that you actually need all that time to work through feelings, get the house ready, get your lives ready, get your heart ready for what is about to totally change your lives...congratulations!